About Raluca Bojor
Raluca is a National Music Education Specialist for Yamaha Music, USA and she teaches both classroom as well as private lessons at the Wheaton Yamaha Music School in Wheaton, IL (USA). In addition to teaching, Raluca also specializes in writing piano music (arrangements and originals) for her students as well as for accomplished pianists. Her sheet music products have been sold in over 17 countries and her social media platforms cater to over 32,000 followers combined.
More About Raluca:
Raluca was born and raised in Romania at a time when the country had just begun its recovery process after 45 years of communist dictatorship. Younger generations ceased the opportunity to explore that which had been restricted prior, such as travel and entrepreneurship. Raluca’s parents were in their early 20s when communism ended, with their eyes set on a life filled with opportunities for their future daughter.
Raluca attended the local music school in her hometown Brașov (Transylvania region) where piano and theory were taught alongside general education curricula. Although not a fan of practicing her repertoire, young Raluca started composing at the age of 9 (in hindsight, that was a form of procrastination). Unfortunately, her piano teachers did not know how to support the creative side of Raluca’s musical aspirations. And so, the Bojor parents decided it was time to look outside of what Romania had to offer.

During her teenage years Raluca attended the Stamps Baxter School of Music near Nashville, TN where she studied gospel piano with Eloise and Tracey Phillips. Suddenly, everything clicked! All the theory, all the scales, all the sonatas and inventions finally started to make sense; you see, these teachers were fluent both in classical music as well as improvisation! Under their guidance, Raluca got to see beyond the written notation and enter the minds of composers. After unlocking the secrets to playing by ear, Raluca started arranging music for piano. And the rest is history.